Our organisation has been set up to provide a number of services to help people get the best support they can and have their voice heard. The aim of our work is to provide advocacy to those who want to work with a truly independent advocacy service.
We have identified a number of areas in advocacy and delivery of services that is not providing people with representation, through advocacy, that is disadvantaging them in accessing services and getting the most appropriate outcomes for themselves or people they care for.
With over 15 years of experience delivering statutory and community advocacy services in Health and Social Care to all people from a wide demographic with a specialism in BAME (Black Asian Minority Ethnic) backgrounds, our aim is to give people the opportunity to have their say to get the best care and support they can.
The advocacy service is there for all people to access and we provide the advocacy in many areas but our expertise is in health and social care which is predominantly mental health and community care but we can advocate for people in many other areas.
A specific part of the advocacy service is what many people know as culturally appropriate advocacy. This is something that the Review of the Mental Health Act and the Government white paper Reforming the Mental Health Act have both identified a priority because the negatively disproportionate way people have been treated within mental health, but these same issues occur in all areas of service provision.
While we are fully committed to the representation and support of our clients through the advocacy we provide we are also aware that there are more ways to try and make the system better. We provide consultancy and training services to help organisations and individuals provide better more informed services or get the best out of them.
We work within a network of highly qualified and experienced professionals who are experts in their fields whether that is Legal, Social Worker, Medical and many more. This allows us to draw on their support to get the best possible outcomes for our clients within all areas of our work.